The Census Softball League is composed of CBWRA members. All CBWRA members are eligible to join.
All games are played at Andrew Jackson Academy in Forestville, MD. Field Directions
Dates and Times:
Games are held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 6pm. The season starts in early April and runs through mid August.
The League is co-ed and made up of 10 teams. There are two divisions - Competitive and Recreational. Each team has the option to: 1) play 16 regular season games, or 2) play 13 regular season games followed by three weeks of double-elimination playoffs.
League costs are not determined until approximately one month before the start of the season each year, but in recent years, the per-team fee (including umpire fees) has been around $480.
Every regular season or playoff game is officiated by one umpire. League umpires do not require any certification, but should have good knowledge of the game. Umpires are paid $30 per game. If you are interested in becoming an ump for the Census Softball League, please contact Grant Degler.
To start a new team in the league, please contact Colt Viehdorfer. Also, please refer to New Team Info to learn what's involved in running a team in this league.
To join an existing team in the league, please go to the Sign Up page to sign-up as a free agent. All team captains will see your entries and contact you if they have a spot for you. Note, the sign-up page is only available within the Census network.
- Colt Viehdorfer
- Erica Marquette
- Jessica Semega
- Lucas Streng
- Grant Degler
Webmaster: Sandy Peterson